Counter Fraud and organised crime

FINTELKT and the Philippines AMLC conducted a summit in November 2020, where our AML and compliance specialist, Mark Nuttall, gave his professional input. The recap of that event has recently been released by FINTELEKT and AMLC.



“The anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF) ecosystem of a country comprises its financial intelligence unit, its regulatory agencies, and its reporting entities that are under tremendous pressure to improve national monitoring and supervisory capabilities and to keep abreast of international standards of compliance.

With the constant threat of de-risking and loss of correspondent banking relationships; and inclusion in the public list of jurisdictions with strategic deficiencies in their AML/CTF systems, demonstrating positive and tangible progress leading to effectiveness of the AML/CTF framework, and not just technical compliance, becomes critical.

Continuous knowledge-sharing, exposure to global expertise, and interagency and industry-level cooperation are at the cornerstone for progress. To enhance capacity building among regulators, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and all sectors of covered persons, the Anti-Money Laundering Council and Fintelekt organized the AML/CTF Annual Summit Philippines 2020.

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, the summit was held virtually from 23 to 27 November 2021. It brought together local and global experts, who shared insights and expertise for stakeholders involved in fighting money laundering and terrorism financing to assist in enhancing the AML/CTF regime in the Philippines.” - FINTELEKT

Our Singapore country manager, Mark, spoke on two subjects:

Fraud Investigations – Experiences and Best Practices

Fraud Investigations – Experiences and Best Practices.png

Investigating and Prosecuting Transnational Crimes

Investigating and Prosecuting Transnational Crimes.png

ESG Webinar catch-up


Risk intelligence (19/03/2021) - Thailand